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What is K-TEST? What does it do?

Success is inevitable if the competencies of the employee are suitable for the job and the competencies of the student are suitable for the field or profession they choose. It is not necessary to work hard to turn this advantage into a good career plan, performance and business results. The most important criterion of productivity, quality and sustainable success is to have a potential compatible with the job and profession. Because people whose competency is compatible with the job and profession can focus for a long time, they are easily motivated, improve themselves and integrate with their jobs. The commitment and permanence of these people are higher than others. It is the duty of all managers, especially human resources managers, people and institutions providing counselling services, to direct the right candidates to the right professions and jobs. MOERS K-TEST is a career inventory that evaluates the behavioural familiarities, suitability, competencies and potentials of individuals for positions and professions with scientific methods. Competencies must be evaluated accurately for the right employee to meet the right job. With MOERS K-Test, you can evaluate the potential of job applicants and employees with high reliability. In addition to suitability for the job and position, you can determine the lacking competencies and determine the training needs to overcome this insufficiency with MOERS K-Test, plan their careers and analyse their potential. MOERS K-Test is also your main supporter in your performance and potential evaluation applications. MOERS K-Test is also the main assistant of human resources managers, top management and management consultants.

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What are the personality traits and competencies measured by K-TEST?


In what ways does the MOERS K- TEST differ from other tests?


Original, not adaptation

The MOERS K-Test was built upon 3,700 people, all adults. It is not an adaptation test. It is an original test suitable for the personality and cultural structure of the people of the country.


Matching with position

You can match job applicants with 410 different positions or evaluate the suitability of your employees for the position they are carrying out.


Test design specific to the needs of the organisation

MOERS K-Test, which offers custom design for the positions available in your organisation, presents reliable solutions for competency evaluation of candidates and employees.


Test solving in a short time

It can be solved in an average of 16 minutes on a smartphone, computer or tablet; it is reported in detail online in English-German-French-Turkish languages.


Scientific and certified

The high reliability of MOERS K-Test has been registered and certified by the Faculty of Medicine of Uludag University, Bursa. You can use it with confidence.


Potential analysis

You evaluate the performance of your employees. What about their potential? With MOERS K-Test, you can reliably analyse the potential of your employees.


Comprehensive and simple reporting

No further training is required to read and interpret the MOERS K-Test report. The 15-page report, supported by graphs, is not only extremely comprehensive, but also simple and clear.


Uninterrupted support

MOERS experts are ready to assist you with continuous, qualified and full support for your organisational needs, the effective use of our products and your satisfaction.


What are the areas of use of MOERS K-TEST?

Usage areas of K-TEST CORPORATE

Built on the people of the country, MOERS K-Test enables you to accurately evaluate the competencies of your candidates and employees. You can safely use MOERS K-Test in human resources processes from recruitment to performance evaluation, from polyvalence to career planning, from training needs analysis to potential analysis.

You can evaluate and determine the suitability of your candidates or employees for more than 410 positions in the public and private sectors with MOERS K-Test with a high reliability rate.

Advantages of using MOERS K-TEST for corporations

1. You can minimise the possibility of making mistakes in recruitment: Applying K-Test to candidates in recruitment processes reveals the compatibility of the candidate with the position applied for with scientific data and ensures that your organisation meets the right candidates. Using MOERS K-Test for the realisation of merit will bring qualified employees to your organisation.

4. Analyse training needs correctly: In order to correctly identify the training needs of employees, you must first identify their potential insufficiencies according to their position. MOERS K-Test provides this. You can identify the insufficiencies of the employee according to more than 350 positions and report which trainings you can meet these insufficiencies.

2. You can accurately evaluate the personality traits and competences of employees: With K-Test, you can analyse the personality traits and behavioural competencies of employees and their compatibility with the position they work in, create a training plan by identifying insufficiencies, and create career plans and polyvalence studies according to these results.

5. You can accurately evaluate leadership potential: With the MOERS K-Test, you can reveal whether candidates and employees have leadership potential, their leadership strengths and areas open to development. You can see what the leadership level is and analyse the possible consequences for the job in this respect.

3. You can analyse the potential of your employees: Without evaluating the potential of your employees, you cannot evaluate their performance correctly and make a realistic career plan. Based on the data you will obtain from the MOERS K-Test report, you can determine the suitability of the employee for his/her current job, as well as observe in which other positions you can evaluate.

6. You can provide your employees with additional competencies and back up the positions correctly: You can create the basic infrastructure of your polyvalence study with the data you will receive from the MOERS K-Test report. You can take the MOERS K-Test data as a guide in determining the additional competencies you want your employees to gain and the positions they will back up.

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