Built on the people of the country, MOERS Career Inventory Test enables you to accurately evaluate the competencies of your candidates and employees. You can safely use MOERS K-Test in human resources processes from recruitment to performance evaluation, from polyvalence to career planning, from training needs analysis to potential analysis.
You can evaluate and determine the suitability of your candidates or employees for more than 410 positions in the public and private sectors with MOERS K-Test with a high reliability rate.
Companies that start with the right employees succeed because they can be more efficient, safer, more creative and more competitive. For this, it is necessary to accurately evaluate the potential of managers, white-blue-gray collar personnel, as well as candidates.
MOERS General Ability Test is designed for first-level managers, mid-level managers, team leaders, technicians, designers, qualified blue-collar personnel and positions where visuality is at the forefront. You can safely use the MOERS General Ability Test to evaluate candidates or existing employees for these vital positions for businesses. This test, which is recommended to be used together with MOERS K-Test, will ease your job in selecting the right candidate at once.
The Motivation Test, which is designed as a supportive tool for the MOERS Employee Satisfaction Survey, which has an important place in human resources management applications, is offered to MOERS customers in unlimited numbers and free of charge. This test, prepared within the scope of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, ensures that the motivational needs of your employees are accurately determined.
In order to effectively plan the motivation of employees, it is necessary to determine who can be motivated by which motivational tool on an individual basis. You cannot motivate an employee who expects status with a company picnic. An employee who does not consider his/her wage satisfactory will not be motivated by a bowling tournament. The MOERS Motivation Test provides you with comprehensive information to determine who will be motivated by what.
Manage your processes with MOERS FLOW
Company managements in the world are changing in their development journey. Management systems based on departments are now being replaced by a management approach based on processes. As a result of the search for effective control of costs, lean production, digitalisation and agile company approach, process management is a fundamental element for the success of companies. MOERS FLOW offers you a digital platform where you can draw and map all your processes from production to logistics, from finance to purchasing and sales, enter your process data and assist your performance evaluation, training management, career planning, recruitment, quality and occupational safety systems with these data.
What can you do with MOERS FLOW?
You can draw your processes and create process maps.
On process / department / position and title basis;
Position-based performance report cards,
Training plan-budget and calendar,
Career plans on individual basis,
Data required for polyvalence,
Categorize risks for risk management and risk mapping,
The documentation you will use in document management,
Man/hour data in norm staff planning,
RACI information required for Organigram
You can obtain it from the system.

MOERS FLOW Process Management Model;
Management approach of the age: Process management.
Today, the approach based on function or department management is no longer accepted. Instead, the management of processes ensures more effective results.
Processes are the beginning of the road to Industry 4.0 and digitalisation.
In order to digitalise and adapt to the requirements of Industry 4.0, it is essential to have a healthy functioning process management system. There can be no digitalisation that is not based on data.
An agile company is a company that can operate its processes quickly.
In order to operate processes quickly, it is necessary to identify, map and define processes
It is the cornerstone of the strategic human resources management system.
The strategic human resources systematic, which will replace the classical human resources model, assists its system with process data since all its applications are based on process management.
Lean production rises on the process model.
Lean management and lean production mentality requires mastering processes and process data.
Process improvement is an approach that overlaps with the objectives of lean production.
Processes are prioritised in the new quality approach.
Almost all quality standards, from ISO 9001/2015 to IATF 16949, require the identification of process competencies and the evaluation of process performances.
Are your customers satisfied with your organisation, your approach, your employees who communicate with them, your products or services, the way you offer them, your pricing policy...? Will they continue to be with you, or are they looking for other organisations, products and services? Organisations that cannot get the right answers to these questions cannot exist in competition.
MOERS Customer Satisfaction Survey is digitally designed specifically for your organisation, shared with your customers through the system, and you can instantly access reports full of comprehensive and detailed analyses on a country-city-sector basis.
How satisfied are your employees with the opportunities and working conditions you provide them? Is there an increase or decrease in the level of satisfaction compared to last year? Are blue-collar or white-collar employees more satisfied? In which areas does dissatisfaction show itself more? It is now very easy to reach the answers to these questions with MOERS.
Do not waste time with paper and pen, telephone, Excel tables every year. MOERS Employee Satisfaction Survey which provides comprehensive digital reporting with graphics and analyses with its online reporting system, saves you time.
The culture of your organisation is reflected in the way you do business, business results, motivation, image and therefore employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Thus, corporate culture should be evaluated periodically and accurately. The adoption of your corporate values by your employees and the diffusion of these values are very important.
With MOERS Corporate Culture Analysis, it is possible to instantly access comprehensive data from your quality culture to your commitment culture, from your innovation culture to your communication culture, from your team culture to your competition or performance culture.
A visionary company management confronts its problems instead of covering them up and takes measures to prevent those problems from happening again. In this process, the first and most important step is to take a managerial photograph of the enterprise by the management and management consultants.
Because the diagnosis will be made according to this photograph and solutions will be designed accordingly. MOERS, which offers a comprehensive report online on the nature of the problems experienced in the business, the extent to which they are felt and the solution suggestions, adds value to organisations. Moreover, with different perspectives on the basis of collar colour, department and titles...
As a matter of fact, if you have a check-up every year because you are conscious about your health, it is actually necessary to check your business at least once a year in order for it to continue on its way in a healthy way.
Does the management define the tasks correctly? Does it direct the right employees to these tasks? Are your planning problems or control problems more dominant? Which problems are felt and to what extent?
The answers to these questions are very important for the business management to make and implement the right decisions. Check your business from top to bottom with MOERS Managerial Check-Up, your digital management consultant.